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A comprehensive glossary features 100 key terms related to climate change and sustainable energy, designed to provide clear and concise explanations for journalists, the general public, and public administration.

This glossary covers a wide range of terms, from “Active Leak Detection” to “Zero Waste,” providing a comprehensive look at the language used in climate and energy discussions. It includes terms relevant to the SEMP project, as well as broader concepts that offer a deeper understanding of the subject matter. The terms are highlighted for their relevance to the MECAP and NECP, making this glossary an invaluable tool for anyone involved in energy and climate action.

Një fjalor gjithëpërfshirës që përmban 100 terma kyçe të lidhura me ndryshimet klimatike dhe energjinë e qëndrueshme, i hartuar për të ofruar shpjegime të qarta dhe të përmbledhura për gazetarët, publikun e gjerë dhe administratën publike.

Ky fjalor mbulon një gamë të gjerë termash, duke filluar me “Zbulimi Aktiv i Rrjedhjeve” deri te “Zero Mbetje,” duke ofruar një pasqyrë gjithëpërfshirëse të gjuhës së përdorur në diskutimet mbi klimën dhe energjinë. Ai përfshin koncepte të rëndësishme për projektin SEMP, si dhe koncepte më të gjera, që ofrojnë një kuptim më të thellë të çështjeve përkatëse. Termat janë theksuar për rëndësinë e tyre në lidhje me MECAP dhe NECP, duke e bërë këtë fjalor një mjet të çmuar për këdo që është i përfshië në aktvitete që lidhen me energjinë dhe klimën.

Key recommendations how to be energy efficient at work. The poster is summarizing the most important points of the SEMP Eco-behaviour guidelines. It can be downloaded and printed for work related purposes.

The poster is a visual supplement to the SEMP-Eco guidelines, designed to provide straightforward and practical tips for reducing energy consumption in everyday work settings. By visually capturing the essence of energy efficiency, it serves as an easy-to-follow guide that can be implemented in daily routines. The poster, available for download in the first column, is an ideal tool to be displayed in various work areas, reminding us of the small yet impactful steps we can take towards a more sustainable work environment. Its engaging design and concise content make it perfect for fostering a culture of environmental awareness and collective action for a greener future.

Eco-behaviour guidelines for employees of Municipal Administrations. These guidelines are organized by different areas of action, and most of them require no financial investment. 

The SEMP project developed guidelines for environmental behavior of employees of the Municipal Administration. These recommendations are voluntarily and can be implemented as individuals and as a collective. These suggestions are open for approval by the Municipality’s management bodies. These recommendations serve as valuable advice, demonstrating dedication to combating the negative effects of climate change.

This one pager is a summary displaying the most important cornerstones of the Eco-behaviour guidelines at one glance. 

The SEMP project developed different material for behaviour change and raising awareness on energy efficiency and related topics. While the Eco-behaviour guidelines can be implemented on an official municipal level, the one-pager can be seen as a daily reminder being printed and put on a desk, at the wall or elsewehere.  

Publication by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) prepared by RTI international, March 19, 2018 – Energy strategy 2017 – 2030

The Strategy represents a synthesis of detailed energy sector analysis, and other sectoral and crosssectoral strategic and planning documents, much of which was incorporated into an analytical review of future development pathways for Albania’s energy sector. Many of the key documents referenced in this Strategy were still under review during this period, and the strategy represents the most current information on these documents as of early 2017, and an analytical review of future development pathways for Albania’s energy sector.

Publication by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) prepared by RTI international, March 19, 2018 – Energy strategy 2017 – 2030

Defining the obligations of Government authorities, public and private sectors, residential sector, services, industry, transport, agriculture and of all the other sectors of the economy for the promotion of the efficient use of energy and energy saving and for the development of a market for energy services in the energy efficiency sector of Albania.

This law is partially aligned with Directive 2009/28 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 “On the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and repealing Directives 2001/77 / EC and 2003 / 30 / EC “, as amended,”.

Providing the legal framework for promoting energy production from renewable energy sources, the mandatory national targets for the contribution of renewable resources to final gross energy consumption, rules for supporting the production of energy from renewable sources, the obligation for transparency of information, andother rules and requirements related to the sector mentioned in  detail.

A project of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs

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